
Why and How My Company Joined a Solar Roof Rental Scheme

My company has been striving to implement corporate social responsibility strategies. Many employees feel strongly about using our corporate influence to make a difference, and I felt the same wholeheartedly. While we try to donate to local charities and occasionally host events to raise awareness, we also want to do something for the environment. Then, I found an exciting opportunity online: solar roof rental schemes. The more I read about it, the more interested I became in joining the scheme. Under this scheme, a solar panel system company would install a solar PV system from Singapore on my company’s office building rooftop for free. This company would also pay us a rental fee for letting them use our rooftop space for their panels. The company will then use the electricity from our roof panels to provide affordable and sustainable electricity for the public. We also can pay to use the energy our panels have harnessed. Not only does this contribute to the country’s environmental goals, but it also lessens the company’s carbon footprint.

Benefits of Solar Leasing in Singapore

From the definition alone, it is the perfect addition to our corporate social responsibility strategies. Here are a few more reasons we decided to get solar leasing in Singapore:
  • We can generate additional income without having to invest in the scheme financially. We’ll only need to give up our roof space, but since we see no use for that space anyways, there’s virtually no loss but many gains.
  • With the option to use the gathered solar energy from the PV systems from Singapore for our building, we would reduce our carbon footprint and improve our corporate social responsibility plans.
  • A solar PV system in Singapore can absorb the sun’s heat and radiation. This valuable benefit will lead to a much cooler building as Singapore is a tropical country. It also ensures that our air conditioners will only take up as much energy to cool our office, lowering our electricity bills.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Joining a Solar Roof Rental Scheme

  • Contact a solar PV system installation company in Singapore and enquire if they offer a solar roof rental scheme. I did not have to do this step since I saw a company advertising their scheme, so you could also do the same and look for companies openly offering to do this service for you.
  • If they do, go to your office for a site survey. If they tell you that your roof needs renovations, you can do that before they begin.
  • After that, the company will perform cost calculations to determine how much rent they will pay you monthly. You can also switch your company’s electricity usage to their solar PV system in Singapore.
  • Once the rental agreement has been confirmed, the company will start installing the PV panels from Singapore to your building’s roof.
Do you want to join a solar roof rental scheme for your office building? Contact Union Power, a leading company in electrical retailing. Work together with their goals of making sustainable energy accessible to the public by joining their scheme. For further information, visit their website

Soul Lever

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